Joona Kontinen

Innovation Manager at Sulapac Ltd

Joona Kontinen works as an Innovation Manager at Sulapac Ltd developing and commercializing biobased biodegradable materials that serve customers across various industries on three continents. Joona has MSc degree in Material Science, specializing in polymer chemistry, and he is completing his PhD studies at Aalto University on the topic of biodegradation and degradation mechanisms of biopolymers.

Joona joined Sulapac in the early days of the company and is one of the key talents behind Sulapac materials for straws and cutlery. Currently, Joona is driving Sulapac’s closed-loop ‘reuse-collect-recycle’ model for food service items aimed at events and restaurants. In addition to exceptional knowledge of material characteristics and performance, Joona has a thorough understanding of relevant EU regulations such as the Single-Use Plastic Directive (SUP) and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), which allows him to provide comprehensive customer support – something that is close to his heart as well as part of Sulapac’s brand promise.

Besides being passionate about polymer chemistry, and saving the world from plastic waste, Joona referees at the highest levels of Finnish football.

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    November 29, 2023